
“Here Comes the Sun,” a song synonymous with optimism and hope, emerged during a complex time for the Beatles. Written by George Harrison, it found its place on their iconic 1969 album, Abbey Road.

The Abbey Road sessions were marked by some tension within the band. John Lennon and Paul McCartney were grappling with their creative differences, and the group dynamic was shifting. However, “Here Comes the Sun” stands out as a beacon of positivity.

Harrison himself has said the song was inspired by a particularly gloomy winter in England. He found himself longing for the sun’s return, and channeled that desire into a song that transcends the personal.

The track opens with the gentle fingerpicking of Harrison’s acoustic guitar, a sound that evokes a quiet awakening. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the sun’s return, bringing warmth after a long, cold spell. Lines like “Little darling, the smiles returning” and “It’s alright now” offer comfort and reassurance.

“Here Comes the Sun” wasn’t just about the literal sun. For many listeners, it became an anthem of hope, a reminder that brighter days are always on the horizon, even during difficult times. The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its ability to capture a universal yearning for optimism and a fresh start.

So, as the first notes of “Here Comes the Sun” begin, take a moment to appreciate the simple beauty of a new day, and the enduring power of music to lift our spirits.
