“Scroll down to the end of the article to listen to music.”


“Food on the Table” by Alabama is more than just a song; it’s a tribute to the simple joys in life and the core values that hold families together. As soon as the first notes hit, you’re reminded of those small moments we sometimes take for granted—having food on the table, a roof over our heads, and the love of family. This song feels like an ode to the warmth and comfort of home, no matter what chaos the outside world brings.

Alabama has a knack for capturing those relatable, everyday moments that resonate with their listeners, and “Food on the Table” is no exception. It’s not just about material things, but the deeper message of gratitude. The lyrics remind us that even when times are tough, having those you love nearby and sharing a meal together can make everything feel a little brighter. It’s one of those songs that feels personal, as if it’s speaking directly to you and your own family experiences.

Musically, the song has that classic Alabama sound—a mix of country, southern rock, and a bit of gospel feel that ties it all together. There’s something comforting in the simplicity of the melody; it doesn’t rush, giving you time to reflect on your own life and what you’re thankful for. You can almost picture the family gathered around the dinner table, passing plates, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company, which is exactly what makes this song so special. It’s a reminder of what truly matters.

What’s compelling about “Food on the Table” is how it doesn’t preach—it just gently nudges you to look around and appreciate the people and moments that fill your life. Alabama captures the spirit of hard work, love, and the unspoken bond that holds families together, especially during shared meals. This song doesn’t just evoke feelings of nostalgia but also creates a sense of hope and contentment.

So, next time you listen to “Food on the Table,” let it be a moment to pause and reflect on your own blessings. Whether it’s a reminder of family dinners or a way to appreciate the good in your life, Alabama has once again delivered a song that connects us all on a very human level.



My dad was a big man with a will that was tough
He was at his best when the going was rough
He made a living for the family and never had to cheat
To keep food on the table and shoes on our feet
We sat down at the table and thanked god in prayer
Cause we had plenty to eat and plenty to wear
We had patches on our britches but momma kept us neat
We had food on the table and shoes on our feet
We picked the cotton and gathered the corn
We were taught to work from the day we were born
Mom and dad and all us children worked in the summer’s heat
To keep food on the table and shoes on our feet
When you sit down at the table thank god in prayer
If you’ve got plenty to eat and plenty to wear
If you’ve got patches on your britches just be sure to keep em neat
If you’ve got food on the table and shoes on your feet