George Jones in the late 1980s.

Analyzing George Jones’ “We Can Make It”

George Jones, a name synonymous with country music, released “We Can Make It” in 1980. This track, a poignant ballad penned by Bob McDill, showcases Jones’ distinctive vocal style and emotional depth. It’s a song that delves into the complexities of a troubled relationship and the unwavering hope of reconciliation.


At the heart of “We Can Make It” is the theme of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. The lyrics paint a picture of a couple who have weathered storms together and are determined to see them through. Jones’ voice, with its characteristic rasp and sincerity, conveys the raw emotion and vulnerability of the protagonist.

The song begins with a simple, acoustic guitar strumming, setting a melancholic tone. Jones’ vocals enter, softly and introspectively, as he sings about the challenges they’ve faced. The melody is both haunting and hopeful, reflecting the underlying tension between despair and determination.

As the song progresses, Jones’ voice grows more passionate and intense. He expresses a deep longing for his partner and a belief in their ability to overcome their differences. The lyrics are filled with vivid imagery and metaphors, such as “we’ve been through fire and rain” and “we’ve seen the darkest night.” These lines emphasize the depth of their connection and the strength of their love.

The bridge of the song is particularly poignant, as Jones sings about the sacrifices they’ve made and the compromises they’ve reached. He acknowledges the pain and heartache they’ve endured but insists that their love is worth fighting for. The music swells with emotion, reaching a crescendo as Jones’ voice soars above the instrumentation.

The final chorus of “We Can Make It” is a declaration of hope and optimism. Jones sings with conviction about their ability to overcome their challenges and build a stronger relationship. The music fades out with a lingering note, leaving the listener with a sense of both sadness and hope.

“We Can Make It” is a classic country ballad that showcases George Jones’ artistry at its finest. It’s a song that resonates with listeners on a deep emotional level, touching on universal themes of love, loss, and resilience. Jones’ powerful performance and McDill’s poignant lyrics combine to create a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate audiences decades after its release.
