A bout The Song

“I Can Be That Woman” marks a departure from the bright, effervescent pop anthems ABBA was known for. Here, we encounter a story steeped in the complexities of long-term relationships. The song unfolds like a late-night conversation, a raw and honest exchange between two people deeply entrenched in a life together.

The lyrics paint a picture of a love that has become strained and battle-worn. There are accusations, apologies, and a palpable sense of regret. The line, “You’re not the man you should have been, I let you down somehow”, speaks to the ways in which both partners have contributed to the relationship’s struggles.

Yet, amidst the emotional turmoil, a flicker of hope emerges. The woman, with newfound clarity, declares, “But I can be that woman now”. This powerful statement signifies a shift. She’s no longer willing to settle for a diminished version of love or herself. She’s ready to embrace personal growth and take charge of her own happiness.

While the song doesn’t shy away from the challenges of love, it ultimately offers a message of hope and empowerment. It reminds us that even in long-standing relationships, there’s always the possibility of change and renewal. “I Can Be That Woman” is a testament to the enduring power of ABBA’s songwriting, their ability to connect with us on a deeper level, and to weave a tale that resonates with the complexities of life and love, even for those of us with a lifetime of experiences under our belts.
