About The Song

Life has a way of whizzing by, especially as we get older. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and suddenly years seem to melt away. Alan Jackson’s poignant ballad, “Things That Matter”, from his 2021 album Where Have You Gone, takes a contemplative look at the passage of time and the things that truly hold weight in our lives.

Jackson, a country music icon known for his relatable lyrics and warm baritone voice, isn’t here to preach. Instead, “Things That Matter” gently reminds us to slow down and appreciate the simple moments that often get lost in the daily hustle. The song paints a picture of everyday experiences – a little girl waiting on the porch for her dad who’s working late, a couple on the brink of separation – that resonate with folks who’ve lived a bit and have a story to tell.

“Things That Matter” isn’t afraid to tackle the tough stuff either. The lyrics touch on the sting of broken relationships and the regrets that can come with prioritizing work or possessions over loved ones. But there’s also a thread of hope woven throughout. The song acknowledges that we only have a limited number of “trips around the sun,” and it encourages us to make the most of them by focusing on what truly matters: our connections with family and friends, the pursuit of happiness, and the simple joys that make life worth living.

Whether you’re a longtime Alan Jackson fan or simply someone who appreciates a thoughtful and introspective song, “Things That Matter” is a welcome companion on a reflective journey. It’s a song that stays with you long after the last note fades, prompting you to consider what truly matters in your own life. So, sit back, relax, and let “Things That Matter” wash over you. It might just inspire you to cherish the present moment and make the most of the precious time we all have.
