When talking about Cliff Richard, it’s impossible to ignore his remarkable career, spanning over six decades and producing an array of hits that have captivated audiences around the world. Among these hits, “Some People,” released in 1987, stands out as one of the defining tracks of his late 80s resurgence. This song, with its heartfelt lyrics, smooth production, and Richard’s soulful delivery, not only became a commercial success but also resonated deeply with listeners, cementing its place as a timeless classic. In this blog post, we will explore the background, themes, and cultural impact of “Some People,” highlighting why it remains an important part of Cliff Richard’s illustrious career.

Background of “Some People”

“Some People” was released as a single from Cliff Richard’s album Always Guaranteed, which came out in 1987. The album marked a significant return to form for Richard, as it was his first album to go platinum in the UK since 1981’s Love Songs. The track “Some People,” written by Alan Tarney, quickly rose to prominence, reaching number 3 on the UK Singles Chart. This song represented the perfect blend of Richard’s vocal warmth and Tarney’s sleek, modern production style, which combined to create a song that felt both contemporary and timeless.

Alan Tarney, who had previously worked with Richard on some of his biggest hits in the 1970s and early 1980s, brought a polished, synth-driven pop sound that was very much in vogue during the late 80s. This collaboration proved to be a winning formula, allowing Richard to reach a new generation of fans while maintaining the essence of his classic sound. The success of “Some People” was not only a testament to Richard’s enduring appeal but also to his ability to adapt and evolve with the changing musical landscape.

Lyrics and Themes

One of the key elements that make “Some People” so impactful is its lyrical content. The song explores themes of love, longing, and the varied ways people experience and express their emotions. The lyrics capture the idea that love is a universal experience but can be felt in different ways by different people. The opening lines, “Some people they tease one another / Take pride in themselves, keeping the other one down,” immediately draw listeners into a narrative about the complexities of human relationships.

The chorus, with its poignant lines “Some people they use one another / So aimlessly, not like lovers do,” conveys a sense of yearning for genuine connection and mutual respect in love. The lyrics suggest that while some people may misunderstand or misuse love, there are others who truly understand and cherish it. This duality is at the heart of the song, making it relatable to anyone who has experienced the ups and downs of relationships.

The song’s message goes beyond romantic love, touching on themes of empathy, kindness, and the importance of treating others with care. It’s a reminder that love, in its purest form, should uplift rather than bring someone down. This universal message is one reason why “Some People” has continued to resonate with audiences for decades.

Musical Style and Production

Musically, “Some People” is a quintessential example of late 80s pop. It features lush synth arrangements, a steady drum beat, and a melodic bassline, all of which create a warm, inviting atmosphere. Alan Tarney’s production is sleek and polished, yet it never overshadows Cliff Richard’s vocals. Instead, it provides the perfect backdrop for his expressive voice to shine.

Richard’s vocal performance is another highlight of the song. His delivery is smooth, sincere, and carries a sense of maturity that enhances the emotional weight of the lyrics. This combination of heartfelt singing and polished production creates a sound that feels both of its time and timeless, allowing “Some People” to endure in the decades since its release.

The song’s arrangement is deceptively simple, but it’s this simplicity that makes it so effective. Each element – the gentle synths, the understated guitar work, and the steady rhythm – comes together to create a cohesive and emotionally resonant piece of music. It’s a masterclass in how to craft a pop song that is both accessible and deeply meaningful.

Cultural Impact and Legacy

“Some People” was more than just a hit single; it became one of Cliff Richard’s signature songs and played a pivotal role in revitalizing his career during the late 1980s. It showcased his ability to stay relevant in an era dominated by younger pop acts, proving that his appeal transcended generational boundaries. The song’s success helped the Always Guaranteed album reach multi-platinum status, solidifying Richard’s position as one of the most enduring figures in British pop music.

The song’s impact wasn’t limited to the charts. It resonated with fans across the world, and its message of love and compassion struck a chord with audiences of all ages. Over the years, “Some People” has been performed at numerous concerts, television specials, and charity events, further establishing its status as a beloved classic. Its timeless appeal has made it a staple of Richard’s live performances, and it continues to be one of the most requested songs at his concerts.

Beyond its immediate success, “Some People” has influenced other artists and continues to be appreciated by newer generations of listeners. Its blend of pop sensibilities with meaningful lyrics serves as an example of how pop music can be both commercially successful and artistically fulfilling. For many fans, the song represents the pinnacle of Richard’s 80s output and serves as a reminder of why he remains one of the most cherished artists in popular music history.

Why “Some People” Still Matters Today

In a world where music trends come and go, and hits are often forgotten as quickly as they appear, “Some People” stands out as a song that has stood the test of time. Its themes of love, compassion, and the human experience are just as relevant today as they were in 1987. The song’s message serves as a reminder of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect – a lesson that never goes out of style.

Moreover, “Some People” demonstrates the enduring power of Cliff Richard as an artist. Despite changes in the music industry and the rise of countless new stars, Richard’s music continues to resonate with fans, both old and new. “Some People” is a shining example of his ability to create music that is not only reflective of its time but also transcends it.


“Some People” by Cliff Richard is more than just a hit from the 1980s – it’s a song that has touched the hearts of millions with its powerful lyrics, beautiful melody, and timeless message. Its success marked a significant moment in Richard’s career, reaffirming his status as a musical icon. Even today, the song continues to inspire and resonate, proving that truly great music never fades away. As we listen to “Some People,” we are reminded of the universal truths about love and human connection, making it a song that will undoubtedly continue to be cherished for generations to come.